Please enter the password from the portal as is and press enter: パスワードを入力
Checking for OS Compatibility: DONE Ensuring that the machine meets the requirements to run the recovery script. Checking for network connectivity: DONE Checking for required cipher suite: DONE Checking for Large Disks: DONE Checking for Storage Pools: DONE Connecting to recovery point using ISCSI service…. 0 iSCSI target prepared 0
Connection succeeded!
Please wait while we attach volumes of the recovery point. ************* Open Explorer to browse for files ************* After recovery, to remove the disks and close the connection to the recovery point, please click 'Unmount Disks’ in step 3 of the portal. 0 recovery volumes attached Mounting ILR Disk to path Mounting ILR Disk to path Mounting ILR Disk to path ************* Open Explorer to browse for files *************
After recovery, to remove the disks and close the connection to the recovery point, please click 'Unmount Disks’ in step 3 of the portal. Please enter 'q/Q’ to exit…q